Friday, December 13, 2013

Geminid Meteor Shower

Geminid Meteor at the Stone Barn
Early on the morning of December 13, my grandson and I left to travel to the Stone Barn to photograph graphed the Geminids. We had left early in the morning rather than after sunset the night before because of the bright waxing gibbous moon which could hide many of the meteors. While we were driving down the highway, even while the moon was still high in the sky we observed at least four bright meteors. After arriving at the Stone Barn and setting up our equipment, taking test shots, picking out the direction that we wanted to photograph, we turned on the interval timer in our cameras and sat back and watched the show. There were meteors all over the sky, bright ones, short ones and dull ones. We captured some of the meteors but not all, because, I cameras would not pointed in the right direction or the meteor occurred during the interval when the camera was writing to its card. We stopped photographing as the clouds moved in. It was a great night.
Geminid Meteor

The forecast for the early morning of the 14th is completely cloudy, however, the sky is posted be clear until approximately 1 AM. Therefore I'm going to return to the Stone Barn around 9 PM tonight since a good number of the meteors were bright enough to be seen despite the moon.
Stacked Photos

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