Monday, December 9, 2013

A Plea for Snowy Owls

Snowy Owl prior to Dawn at Duxbury Beach
One of the problems that is occurring this fall into winter season because of the large irruption of Snowy Owls. Why is it a problem? It is a problem not that people want to see the snowy owls or photograph them, but, people are not keeping a respectful distance from the owls so as not to disturb them as they need to conserve energy and hunt for food. There are too many reports showing up of people getting too close to the owls and causing them to fly and then chasing them. People need to stay out of the comfort zone of the owls and enjoy them from a distance. If you are in your car and and find an owl close to the road, observe the owl from the car and photograph them from the car. If you see people chasing the owl, respectively remind them that that is not in the best interest of the owl.

Snowy Owl in the Snow

I just read on the Massbird list an email from a friend of mine who agrees with this problem and wants to print up a card about snowy owls to hand to people.

On another note, we here in Massachusetts are lucky to have Norm Smith, who tags and traps the snowy owls at Logan Airport and then moves them to different locations. The New York Port Authority instead is allowing shooting of the snowy owls at the airports in New York rather than trapping and removing them to better locations. We as nature lovers should contact the Port Authority of New York to locate somebody in the Audubon Society of the area to do what we do here in Massachusetts.
Snowy owl Feeding with a red mark on head ID by Norm Smith
These photos are from 2 years ago since I posted  this years photos in a recent blog

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