Sunday, February 1, 2015

Running water And the Sea

Water over a Dam with Ice
I normally don't publish to blogs on the same day, but Friday my son who was working in Washington DC flew up to visit, and since he is been for 15 years stationed overseas and hasn't seen the amount the snow we got.  He grew up in Massachusetts and remembers the blizzard of 76.  Anyway, we drove around and visited difference locations.

I photographed two different water scenes.  The first was water coming over a dam and there was ice in different locations.  For these pictures, I decided to use a high shutter speed to show the force of the water.  The second picture was of the tide coming in and receding and did a long exposure, utilizing a polarizing filter, and a sing-ray variable neutral density filter, set at 10 so that I could smooth out the water.
Water over a Dam with Ice
Incoming and Outgoing Tide
My next project is for the upcoming Tuesday after the storm and I am hoping for waves at the beach to photograph them both and shot and long exposures.  I will be using a welding glass which is equivalent to a 10+ neutral density filter.  If you buy the right size, they will fit into a Conkin P filter holder.  I purchased mine on eBay.

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