Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Widow Skimmer (Libellula luctuosa)

Widow Skimmer (Libellula luctuosa)
This morning, rising after a complete nights sleep, I decided to go and do some macro photography.  I found a beautiful widow skimmer, which allowed me to photograph it over a period of time.  Unlike most of the other dragonflies and damselflies that I saw, who were very skittish and really did not want to have their picture taken, the widow skimmer (Libellula luctuosa) was a perfect model.  Even when it flew away.,  It came back to either the same perch or one very close to it.  The widow skimmer was very cooperative and that it gave me a number of different views, straight on head view, side views and top views.
Widow Skimmer (Libellula luctuosa)
Widow Skimmer (Libellula luctuosa)
Widow Skimmer (Libellula luctuosa)
 The widow skimmer is found in much of the United States extending into southwestern and southeastern Canada and down into Mexico.  It is common throughout most of Massachusetts, but, red absent on Cape Cod and the islands.  It's flight time is from late May into early September.  Why does the widow skimmer have this name?  The reason is because, unlike other dragonflies, the male leaves the female, after she lays her eggs.

The male widow skimmer is easy to identify, because both the fore and hind wings are black-brown extending from the body to approximately halfway to the tip, plus the males also have a white patchi n the middle of each wing.  The female widow skimmer wings are like the male, but do not have the white patches.

The widow skimmer's of found flying usually over still bodies of water and will rest on vegetation during the day.  What makes widow skimmer's so useful is that they feed on biting flies, mosquitoes, midges and other small flying insects.

I have previously mentioned about the e-books the Ian Plant has on his site that are available either for free or off for a fee.  Right now to celebrate the new storefront opening, he is offering 15% OFF until the end of August on all purchases made in the new store. Please use discount code NEWSTORE at checkout throughout the month to take advantage of this valuable limited offer.  (Note: the discount code is entered at the very end of the checkout process.)  https://ianplantdreamscapes.refersion.com/c/b2bf

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